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Chiropractic Care

Dr. Christine Thorn received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1990 from New York Chiropractic College.  Her approach is to treat the body, mind, and spirit, as they are all ONE, and she utilizes Applied Kinesiology (AK), and to a large degree nutritional supplementation.



Reflexology is a form of natural healing which has been practiced for centuries. It gently and effectively maintains health while building up the body's immunity and resis­tance to disease. It is an excellent antidote to stress and therefore eases stress-related conditions. Relaxation is a pre-requisite for health. Reflexology stimulation is capable of inducing the alpha state of relaxation, which unclutters the mind and opens it to tranquility. It is the most serene level at which healing can effectively take place. Reflex­ology relaxes the body, releases an unrestricted flow of vitality and restores balance, encouraging the body's own healing process to take over. The treatment of stimulation to reflex points on the feet provides renewed physical and emotional strength so that there is a free flow of energy in the body that activates the healing forces within.

Reflexology can help:

  • maintain vigor

  • stimulate the brain

  • relieve muscle pain

  • alleviate sleeplessness

  • increase energy level

  • release tension

  • reduce stress

The entire treatment of foot stimulation to all reflex points is also a gentle alternative for maintaining overall health and promoting a feeling of well-being.


Acupuncture is a complex branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has evolved over the past 3000 years. Simply stated, it is a science that has been used to treat both pain and dysfunction in the body. There are 14 major energy channels called Meridians that course through the human body including the head, arms, hands, legs, feet, torso, and internal organs. A subtle energy called Qi (pronounced chee) circulates through these meridians to all parts of the body. Qi is the vital force that is present in all living things and its balanced, unimpeded flow is critical to good health. With the use of acupuncture needles or other means, the acupuncturist stimulates certain points (acupoints) along the course of the meridians to help restore the normal balance and flow of Qi. This allows the body to repair itself and maintain its own health.

Typically, acupuncture treatments are done with fine, flexible needles that are no bigger around than a human strand of hair and produce little or no sensation. The treatment lasts about 20 to 30 minutes in duration and most first time patients are usually amazed at how comfortable they are during the treatment

Acupuncture treats many different conditions including "stressed out" feelings that tend to affect the balance of Qi in the body leading to many stress related conditions such as anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, headaches, etc.

Acupuncture can be used for prevention, pain management and many different disorders, including but not limited to:

  • Digestive Problems

  • Sinus Problems

  • Allergies/Asthma

  • Reproductive Problems

  • Menopause

  • Lower Back Pain


An AcuFlex treatment is quite simply the "best of both" Acupuncture and Reflexology. It is aimed at creating harmony and balance between the body-mind-spirit. With this technique, the client will receive a Tai Ji Acupuncture treatment that specifically targets the balance of Qi ( chee) responsible for the smooth and easy flow of emotions re­lieving many stress related conditions (insomnia, anxiety, depression, and headaches to name a few). Immediately following the acupuncture, the client will receive 20 min­utes of foot reflexology specifically targeting the central nervous and endocrine systems that have an effect on ALL physiological functions within the body. This treatment will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.


Cupping therapy is an adapted form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves applying various types of cups to the skin to help alleviate pain, expel toxins, and restore proper circulation to the body. It is widely thought to be one of the best deep-tissue therapies availabl1e affecting tissues up to four inches deep from the external skin. Toxins can be released and blockages can be cleared. Even hands, wrists, legs, and ankles can be 'cupped.' The amazing results that this simple treatment produces have truly impressed those who experience its subtle power. People are often surprised how relaxed, warm and light they feel hours, and sometimes even days, after treatment.

The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system. Cupping is used to reli1eve back and neck pain, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite.

It stimulates the skin by increasing circulation while sep­arating fused tissue layers and draining lymph to promote smooth appearance and healthy glow.

It works deeper by loosening adhesions, facilitating the muscles to operate more independently and stimulates the healthy elimination of accumulated debris in the tissues, organs, and systems of the body.

Benefits include:

  • Relieves pain and inflammation from injury

  • or chronic conditions

  • Relieves deep muscular issues and muscle spasms

  • Increases range of motion and flexibility in joints

  • Promotes healthy circulation and opens the energy flow throughout the body

Pricing &
Service Packages

Chiropractic Care

New Patient Initial Consultation/Visit $75
Regular Office Visit $35

Reflexology | Acupuncture | AcuFlex

1 Session $60
2 Sessions $110
4 Sessions $210
10 Sessions $510


Per Session $25